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Needless to say, it didn't work. re: sl: CHAPTER 56 Notes on Hitler Some Notes: Adolf Hitler wrote a book. It was a piece of shit. It wouldn't have been worth dr. jennifer melfi a babies fart had Hitler decided not to try to take over the world. The book was called Mien Kamph. This meant, My Struggle and it was, as earlier stated, a piece of shit not worth the dr. jennifer melfi paper it was printed on. It was printed well over 6 million times. This is what dr. jennifer melfi Hitler said one day as he was sitting having tea with Gobbels. "Have you ever smelt a babies asshole?" This is how Gobbels replied. "Yes." He had many children. He would later shoot them and then kill himself. "I don't mean baby shit," said Hitler. "I mean, a babies asshole. Pressed you noes right up against it and just smelt it."
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