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Unlike what you may have read in school, this book contains actual facts. And G-d Bless Pope Benedict XVI for being a Christian rather than a waffly windsock wimp like so many other church leaders. Maybe syria His Majesty needs to become a Catholic. Update: With His Majesty’s permission, we’d like to add this handy little link for additional Historical ClueClubbing™ dhimmi LefTard apologistas.—B. Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I @ 12:35 pm | syria Plink | Trackback | 44 Comments » Filed under: Good News Curse of the Irish Dead Pool(Crossposted at Imperial Rebbe Laurence’s Dead Pool, in which His Majesty is a proud participant) I had high hopes, as I do every St. Paddy’s day, that this would be the one where Fat Ted “Swimmer” Kennedy would finally find the keys to the Oldsmobile Express to Hell at the bottom of a bottle. As always, my pious hopes were brutally dashed against the jagged rocks of outrageous fortune. But I found a reason to dislike the Irish, and no day is ever wasted in which I find yet another group of people to be pissed of with, so it wasn’t a total waste.