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Don't like it? Hit the want ads.] and it's important to know when to speak up. Let's face it, most people can't hear anyways. Tact is the essential element for survival. [And smarts. Don't forget them.] One Liner: I once put a block of lard into the toilet iraqi of a KF-Taco-Hut. [You think I'd find vandalism cute?] Name: Amanda Reasons for being a Heartless Bitch: i refuse to become one of the goodgirls i refuse to iraqi put up with the constant stereotyping i recieve at school. i petitioned my school this year because they iraqi will not stop the constant harrasment i recieve for being a dyke, using section 28 as a pathetic shelter. i'm 15 and i dont really know loads of fancy words to impress you with my intellect but if your worth joining you wont judge me on that anyway, [Being intelligent is more than just the use of five-dollar words.