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Okay. Just blow the ashes. ["CHELSAMICA" BY FRANKLY CALABASAS PLAYS ON STEREO] [MUSIC GETS SOFTER] Henry wanted us to listen to it loud. [MUSIC GETS LOUD] Only kidding. JASON: Shit. We'll come back in the morning. - I'll wake Zach, we can open the bags. - We can't do that. - Why not? - saudi arabia Henry wants us to open the bags inside. He said at a KFC stand, not in a KFC saudi arabia stand. - Literature calls them restaurants. - Fine. Right. And you don't eat at restaurants, you eat in restaurants. - You're kidding me, right? saudi arabia - No, I'm not. Okay, then how do you explain that? Do the cars eat their chicken in, or do they eat their chicken at? I don't know. Either way, they eat their chicken. We cannot, because we don't have any chicken. And that's why we're not opening the bag out here. Excuse me. Excuse me. Hey. - We're closed. - Yeah. Can I talk to you for a second?
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