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Did he tell you that? No, we're not gonna make him into a mummy, Zach. Are we gonna stuff him? - Henry. - [WHISPERING] What do you want? JASON: Come out of there. [IN NORMAL VOICE] A priest wore that years ago. - Where'd you photography get it? - I stole it. Stole it right out of the goddamn ground. That's what an archeologist does, photography boy. Henry, can we not advocate photography theft until he's at least old enough to drive, please? Nonsense. Some things want to be stolen. The Lair family have a history of thievery, Zach. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Now, banking, there's a shameful occupation. [WHISPERING] Jason. Can I see you? What is it? Your father is downstairs. He wants to cross threshold. - What? - Threshold. Do you think the drumming made him come? - Who? - Your father. You're Jason. Kind of like two dogs, huh? JASON: Excuse me? I got your letter about Henry. I sent it four years ago. You got... ...my letters? When you were a kid, I wrote. Sent some money too, I think.
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