I worked live television, george c. wolfe teen

edward furlong, matching, edie falco, kinky, avery brooks, amazigh, matt dillon, teen, keith truesdell, daniel, I did it. (Laughs) Back in the 1930s, there was a lot of political activity going on. A lot of labor demonstrations, strikes, the organization of the CIO. Were you involved in any of that? Yup, yeah, Scottsboro, Tom Mooney, Warren K. Billings. I was an organizer in the Food, george c. wolfe Agricultural and Tobacco Workers Union down in North Carolina. You george c. wolfe worked in that industry? No, no, I accepted a challenge. The george c. wolfe industry I worked in just before the war, World War II, was the National Maritime Union. You were a seaman? Yup, yup. The late 30's and then into the war. I was torpedoed twice, once in the Mediterranean and once off Murmansk. You were carrying goods to the Soviet Union? Like 600 other sea ships in a convoy. You never knew what you carried. You could have been carrying potatoes, which of course we weren't, or you could have been carrying explosives. And you saw those ships go up. Boy, Coney Island never had fireworks like that. And all those men died.
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I worked live television, plays, Broadway, Off-Broadway, films. Do what you got to do. Still do. The old mule still pulls the wagon. Not as fast, but still pulls it, gets it home. If you had to choose, what are your favorite memories of radio shows or TV shows that you were involved with? I don't deal with memorabilia. I have no nostalgia items, I don't keep anything. Anything that comes to mind? Any favorite experiences? Just teen anything where I can work in front teen of an audience. So I prefer a circus, a medicine show, vaudeville, burlesque. I prefer that for my own satisfaction over radio, there's no audience. TV, there's no audience. I need the response of the audience, even if it's a silent response. That sort of show business is pretty much gone nowadays. There isn't too much of that left. That's your loss, not mine.
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