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CHARLIE: New IDs. LYLE: Simon Quackenbush? Could I - just once - have a cool name? CHARLIE: There's robert smith something I've been meaning to ask you, Stella. But I've just been so busy lately, what with the explosion, car chase, Ukrainians and all. STELLA: It has been a hectic day. CHARLIE: It's about that thing you said to me back in Philadelphia. STELLA: That thing? CHARLIE: You said that you can"t have a relationship with a pickpocket, gold robber, or any kind of robert smith thief. STELLA: Oh... That thing. CHARLIE: robert smith Do you still believe that? STELLA: Yeah. I do. CHARLIE: Well I was wondering... What about a retired pickpocket, gold robber, thief? STELLA: Now that's an entirely different .question. 1245 page views Home | Top Movies | Photos | Independent Film | Browse | Help Login | Register to personalize   All Titles My Movies Names Companies Keywords Characters Quotes Bios Plots   More searches |
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