gothic, gangsters, loser, ethan suplee, xanga, herbie ade, larry david, industrial, gothic pics, eddie j. fernandez, quiz, crash(2 disc director's cut edition), frank vincent, william russ, robert de niro, rss heavy metal, riyad, arab, vampire, poem, ultramagnetic, catherine scorsese,
- mcc 9 october 1997, 21:00 "I want you to make me clean." - Emily B. "You know, I've eaten a lot of silly string in my time, beer and i could tell you exactly how it tastes." - mcc 9 october 1997, 20:50 "So, what's the point? You eat the bushes and capture the monsters?" - Jill, the SGI representative, at the Zelda demo 8 october 1997, 11:48 "So you take the match, you drag it over the blunt, and beer it lights. Hey, that'd be pretty easy." - Shoe, on cs15 development 8 october 1997, 11:43 "Hello? More cheese?" beer - Jeff Alexander 5 october 1997, 21:43 "That's why rumor is called Nate 2.0" - mcc 30 september 1997, 21:43 "I'm not afraid of Dorinda running in here naked with a machine gun, I'm afraid of Gary Van Dewalle running in here naked with a machine gun."