gothic, gangsters, loser, ethan suplee, xanga, herbie ade, larry david, industrial, gothic pics, eddie j. fernandez, quiz, crash(2 disc director's cut edition), frank vincent, william russ, robert de niro, rss heavy metal, riyad, arab, vampire, poem, ultramagnetic, catherine scorsese,
- Brian Fisk "What?" - jcn "Look at me I'm Carol Channing." - Brian Fisk "What?" - jcn "You're supposed to say, 'You suck.'" - Brian Fisk 4 november 1998, 21:38 "Danny is an asshole. You, Jesse, are just a jerk." 2000 - Andrea Tartaro 21 october 1998, 18:36 Authentic Personal message at 20:56:30 on Mon Oct 19 1998 From: Jesse Kurlancheek <jesse< on cslab4f To: jcn@local-realm we need hot friends (or mildly attractive at least) that will take their clothes off for us, so we can have "hot horny college women "He 2000 does know the difference between a 2000 computer and a hole in his ass ... he doesn't stick the ethernet up his butt." - Channing Moore 18 october 1998, 02:47 "Why are you doing that, and why does it feel so good?"