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I have never observed a depressive effect from this plant. Besides, regardless of the effect, I am an adult and have every right to freely make the choice to use such a compound in whatever manner I see fit so long as it does not reliably and directly cause me to infringe upon the armando riesco liberties of others. Articles like these will lead to a kneejerk reaction involving armando riesco the criminalization of salvia, burdening our taxpayers and law enforcement resources with yet another drug to wage a futile war against and people will ultimately be placed in cages alongside (and sometimes armando riesco in place of) child rapists and murderers for the "crime" of accessing dream-like states with full consciousness. This will ultimately do nothing to prevent people from altering their consciousness. It will only create more unjust laws, eroding American liberty even more, filling our prisons with more non-violent "criminals," leading to greater resentment of the establishment in its reaching for ever greater control over our personal lives, and thus further diminishing the integrity of our society.