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October 2003   Fucking Computers Fucking computers. Just because you fucking know how to use one, people think they can ask you to videos do all sorts of shit videos for them. If you knew about plumbing, or electrics or whatever, you might do a mates rate sort of job, but you'd still want fucking paying. The world and videos his fucking cunt wife thinks if you know a little about computers, you'll only be too glad to go help them sort out any problems.And you know who's to fucking blame? All those cunts trying to fucking prove they are fucking ace at IT. Ooooh I know fucking html, I'm a fucking web-designer. No you're fucking not. Oooh I once installed some software or set up an email address. I'm fucking Bill Gates.Of course it's always very good of you to come round and do stuff for people, and are you sure don't mind, I don't really understand these things and I'm not sure what everything does and how it works.Well fucking don't buy a computer then. Today right, I got fucking collared doing a fucking favour (yes the fucking irony) for some cunty friend of my mothers.
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