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Dr. Peter Silberman: You're safe now, they can't hurt you. Kate, my name tony darrow is Doctor Silberman. I'm tony darrow a post trauma counselor for the Sheriff's Department, how are you feeling? Kate Brewster: He's not human... he's really, not human. Dr. Peter Silberman: I know what it's like to be in a hostage situation, I've been there myself. The fear, the adrenaline you find yourself, imagining things, impossible things, crazy things, insane things... take years to get over it. [John puts a gun tony darrow to his head] John Connor: Fuck my destiny. [John is holding a gun to his head] Terminator: You cannot self-terminate. John Connor: No, you can't. I can do anything I want. I'm a human being, not some god-damn robot. Terminator: [correcting him] Cybernetic organism. John Connor: Whatever! Either we go, and save her Dad, or so much for the Great John Conner. Because your future, my destiny, I want no part in it, I never did.
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