Terminator: Better. John Connor: nona gaye televison

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Terminator: Better. John Connor: What... you were just dicking with me? Terminator: Anger is more useful than dispear! John Connor: What? Terminator: Basic psychology is among my sub-routines. televison Terminator: I'm back. Angry Man: [John Connor just rear-ended him] Son of a televison bitch. Goddamit. Look what you did to my car. This is my company car, asshole. Get your ass out here. Get your ass out of the car now. [John tries to start his car] Angry Man: What are you doing? If you don't have insurance, I'm gonna rip your balls off. Kate Brewster: Help. I'm televison being kidnapped. Angry Man: What's going on here? Who's back there? John Connor: I... Angry Man: Shut up. Terminator: It was Katherine Brewster who reprogrammed me and sent me back through the time displacement field.
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