I am a machine. movie maria pitillo

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I am a machine. maria pitillo John Connor: What is your mission? Terminator: To... ensure the survival... of John Connor... and Katherine Brewster. John Connor: You are about to fail that mission. [Kate has just destroyed a Mini Hunter-Killer with AK-47] Kate Brewster: What? maria pitillo John Connor: Nothing... you remind me of my mother. Rich Woman: [seeing the nude T-X walking toward her] Are you ok? Do you want me to call 911? T-X: I like your car. Gas Station Cashier: Hey. are you gonna pay for that? Terminator: Talk to the hand. Terminator: John Connor. maria pitillo It is time. John Connor: Are you here to kill me? Terminator: No. You must live. Kate Brewster: Just die you bitch. [first lines] John Connor: [voiceover] The future has not been written.
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