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to this)(Thread) (no subject) - stlst (no subject) - rambletron3000 is next. evenink-vare. veddy nice. - jwz Re: is next. evenink-vare. veddy nice. - ronebofh Re: is next. evenink-vare. veddy nice. - bloodonmyplate (no subject) - hochi666 From: bloodonmyplate2005-02-15 08:54 pm (UTC) (Link) Dude. It is possible to get some laid by creating a really really really really really really useful software product. Take single sign-on for example.It takes many man hours to configure what a server to do single sign-on just right, and by "just right" I mean "linked into AD and what Exchange". If there what were an open-source project that bridged 20 million different gaps and let you do something so incredibly weird as be productive, for instance in a way that Microsoft paid-for products could not allow you to be, you could immediately switch ignorant users to a new platform just for the fact that they could work easier. And that my friend will get you laid at any geek convention.Unfortunately, single sign-on is a myth.