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Also, I WILL NOT set my channel +s, so don't even mention it. I want them to be permanently removed from my channel. -Kitchen you think posting about it here will get them removed from your channel? only thing you'll get here is suggestions like phil bonyata ban them. and people tell me all the time to make my channel +s so we dont get spam, unwanted bots and people typing !list or people asking phil bonyata asl, etc... but i dont want to. so i understand you not wanting to do that. any phil bonyata spam or bots or anything i dont want in my channel i ban them or if its spam, i try to get it klined. Wed Apr 14, 2004 6:13 pm wundr Joined: 06 Jul 2003 Posts: 124 Location: Japan (formerly US & Germany) Re: mother fucking spybots quote: Originally posted by kitchen Also, I WILL NOT set my channel +s, so don't even mention it. So, you don't like what's happening, but you refuse to do the things that ARE IN YOUR POWER to stop it.