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That happens. More of them you do, the better you'll sleep. I had one prick chasing me for months in my dreams. I feel like he's trying to tell me something. That we fucked up the night that we buried him. We didn't fuck up. And I'm in danger. alexander Can I alexander ask you a question? Why the fuck would he want to tell you you're alexander in danger considering you put a fuckin' moon roof in the back of his head? What did we do wrong that night? The gun was hot so the slugs in his head couldn't be traced back to me. You know who had an arc? Noah. Is that him? That would be some fucking coincidence if it wasn't. (Coughing) holy shit, look at that! He was clean shaven, he's got a fucking beard now. You know what? I read that. That happens. Jesus, I always thought it was bullshit. Look at his finger nails. Oh, fuck, they're like a woman's. I'm gonna fucking puke.
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