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After all, the albums competition wasn't over until Sunday, and how did I albums expect her to sleep at night until she knew whether or not her cousins' teams had placed? So, we waited til she fell asleep and threw her in the back of the Expedition. After school, the following Monday: Shrek: Key, did you sign Priss up albums for basketball? Key: No. Shrek: Why not? [Understand peeps, Priss does not have my height, which is a good thing in my humble, but in this case...] Key: Uh, have you asked her what she wants her winter sport to be? [Although I don't push a particular sport, I insist that she must stay active, lest she become a professional Nickelodeon vegetable.] Shrek: Uh, no... Key: [Looking at the child who was only seemingly oblivious to the conversation] Priss, do you want to sign up for basketball or keep doing gymnastics?
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