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My hands are shaking. I haven't cried hollywood in years, and here it comes. I am gasping for air, hollywood I can feel the tears stinging my face, taste their salt. "Why do you have to say he's fucking her? Can't you think of a gentler way of putting it?" "Well, you seem to feel the need to use foul language with me. I don't see why I can't call it as I see it," she says. She is speeding down the highway. I take a deep breath. I can stop crying if I concentrate on the road. "Where hollywood the hell are you taking me now? To see the ghost of Christmas future? What other horrible sights do you have in store, Mother?" "Shhh," she says, "just cry, sweetheart. I'm taking you somewhere I know will make you feel better." "Why? Why did you show me that?" I ask her again. The initial shock is wearing off and now I feel rage.
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