Bill: It's Election Day. gabe jeffrey bill gates

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Bill: It's Election Day. [as the Irish are drafted as they come ashore] Irish Immigrant: Where we goin'? Another Immigrant: I bill gates heard Tennessee. Irish Immigrant: Where's that? Irish Soldier: Do they feed us now? Irish Singer: [singing] Well, meself and a hundred more, to America sailed o'er, with our fortunes to be made, so we were thinkin' / When we got to Yankee land, they shoved a gun into our hands / Saying "Paddy, bill gates you must go and fight for Lincoln."/ There is nothing here but bill gates war, where the murderin' cannons roar, and I wish I was back home in dear old Dublin. [swearing in Irish immigrants as citizens at the harbor] Army Recruiter: That document makes you a citizen, and this one makes you a private in the Union army. Now get out there and serve your country. [as an anti-draft riot takes place] Boss Tweed: Sweet Jesus, war does terrible things to people. Amsterdam Vallon: Suppose you back an Irish candidate, of my choosin', and I'll deliver all the Irish vote?
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