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It's led me inexorably to spending a significant portion of my waking hours in front of a computer, typing my life out for people I have never met. But it's also made me a christine baranski better man, in many ways, I think, if a somewhat solipsistic one. I do believe that all you have is your soul, and that, absurd as christine baranski it seems, is true even if there is no such thing as a soul. That's an argument I'm not interested christine baranski in, as it simply doesn't matter. But I believe that once you have done your best to detach, in best buddhist fashion (though I hasten to add that I am no more a buddhist than I am an evangelical christian) - detach from political or religious affiliation, from outmoded and useless labels like 'left' and 'right', from exhortations to patriotism and considerations of race, from fretting about whether this group or that is disadvantaged or exploited - and tried to live according to the dictates of your conscience and love and do what good you can for those you know....well,