digitalart, baghadad, smart, amsterdam, s, americanhistory x, reference, crash(widescreen edition), ted demme, joe pesci, musica,
Gus: See if there's charlie croker a waste of fucking life named Murray, try that. Bartender: [to the patrons] Is there a fucking waste of life named Murray here? Murray: Gussy? Yeah that's me. Caroline: How can we both be in charlie croker the marriage and charlie croker I'm miserable and you're content? Lloyd: Luck? Gus: From now on, the only person who gets to yell is me. Why? Because I have a gun. People with guns get to do whatever they want. Married people without guns - for instance - you - DO NOT get to yell. Why? NO GUNS! No guns, no yelling. See? Simple little equation. Lloyd: You know, you and my wife have a lot in common. You both think you have some right to life working out the way you want it to, and when it doesn't, you get to act the way you want.