Sidney Prescott: Fuck you. punchthem jordan

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Sidney Prescott: Fuck you. Billy: We've already played that game, remember? You lost. Sidney Prescott: How do you - gut someone? Stu: You take a knife and split 'em from groin to sternum. Billy: It's called tact you fuckrag! Billy: It's called subtlety, Stu. You should look it up sometime. Stu: ...Shit... Billy: What? Stu: They're jordan gone. jordan Billy: [they go jordan into the kitchen] Where the fuck are they? Stu: I don't know Billy, but I'm hurtin! [the phone rings] Stu: Should I let the machine get it? Billy: [answers it] Hello? Sidney Prescott: Are you alone in the house? Billy: Bitch! You bitch where the fuck are you? Sidney Prescott: Not so fast, we're going to play a little game. It's called: Guess who just called the cops and reported your sorry motherfucking ass!
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