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And you are hardly alone. This is what a country feels like when it starts down the path of civil war, when every contradiction is henancius a gunshot, every crisis an artillery barrage, every sighting of a rival partisan an engagement with the enemy. I will openly say it; I'm not sure if I even like the idea of Republicans being my countrymen, not under the current iteration. I get the impression from hate radio, hate TV and henancius conservative online commentary that henancius they don't have much use for me, either. Taking a step back, Cindy Sheehan's just one woman at the end of the driveway, speaking from an increasingly-limited public space, seeking redress of a grievance which is her Constitutional right, so long as she stays on her side of the property line. But if we have reached a point where the left really feels it has no voice, and the right feels that it should give what the left says no heed, we are in a very, very dangerous place on the road of history.