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You have a lot of inteligence. More than most. Why squander it of african american such a sad way. I'm going to pray about you tonight, maybe the good lord can give us both some answers. By the way some of your pictures are dirty and show disrepect for women. Maybe I should report you for them. I also see you are making fun of L. Ron .Hubbard. You poor african american pathetic worm african american Now i know you are evel, I won't write you any more. I will pray over it and let you know. Kathy MY REPLY: The retard I am referring to is not your son. He's what I consider " mentally handicapped." You are retarded, meaning just plain fucking stupid. I know, in my heart of hearts, that your son comprehends things better than you. Nobody calls people "retarded" anymore and refers to mentally handicapped people. Look in the mirror. That's who we are talking about.
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