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Dick Stensland: You're like Santa Claus with that list, Bud, except everyone on it's been naughty. Captain Dudley Smith: Bud White is a valuable officer. Ed Exley: White's a mindless thug. Captain Dudley Smith: No, Edmund, he's just a man who can answer yes to those questions denver underground music I've asked you from time to time. Ed denver underground music Exley: A naked man with a gun? Do you really expect anyone to believe that? Bud White: Get the fuck away from me. Ed Exley: How's it gonna look in your report? Bud White: It'll look denver underground music like justice. That's what the man got. Justice. Ed Exley: You don't know the meaning of the word you ignorant bastard. Bud White: Oh yeah, well you think it means getting your picture in the paper. Why don't you go after criminals for a change instead of cops?
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