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by ConceptJunkie (Score:2) Tuesday February 21, @01:49PM Re:Jesus Christ! by StarkRG (Score:1) Wednesday February 22, @03:58AM 1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Jesus Christ! by krayfx (Score:1) Tuesday February 21, @01:49PM Re:Jesus Christ! by hey! (Score:2) Tuesday February 21, @05:14PM Re:Jesus Christ! by Ilgaz (Score:2) Wednesday February 22, @08:27AM Re:Jesus Christ! by YAN3D (Score:2) Wednesday February 22, @12:04PM Re:Jesus Christ! by TobascoKid (Score:2) Tuesday February 21, @02:52PM 5 replies beneath your current threshold. Re:Jesus henancius Christ! (Score:4, Funny) by saskboy (600063) on Tuesday February henancius 21, @11:13AM (#14768211) henancius ( | Last Journal: Saturday March 04, @11:50AM) I'm expecting a flood of Allah and YWHW Slashdot registrations today.Muhammed