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Writing for a daily is a huge mistake. The best magazines to write for are quarterlies. Just imagine how proud of lesbian yourself you'll be when you see the quarterly with your article in it on the newsstand month after month after month. This is where your blog comes in handy: Use it to remind people of the article you wrote. Your online boast will live well after the quarterly you've written for folds. 11. Getting Paid lesbian You're on your own, sucker. (See: "Managing Editor," above.) So, there you go. A simple guide lesbian to going from blogger to magazine writer. Now, go forth and turn that lead into gold. When we see you at the newsstand, we'll be sure to say, 'Hi.' Posted in a Desperate fashion. March 01, 2006 Didja Hear the One About the Gay Cowboys? Introduction Gore Vidal, Historian, Author, Homosexual: "Essentially, since the dawn of recorded human culture, there have been Brokeback Mountain jokes. Some of the earliest examples can be found in Egyptian hieroglyphics.