You gave up. Zach: ray liotta guy torry

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You gave up. Zach: I dried up. It guy torry happens to writers. Alex: Oh, so you bury yourself with the first available young female that comes along, in the hopes that she's going to magically restore guy torry your lost talent? Zach: Alex... Alex: No, don't say guy torry it. This is a lecture. Not a debate. And since I don't intend to speak to you for the rest of this lifetime, you either get out now, or shut up and let me finish. [Zach listens] Alex: I'm not saying that your condition is unique. In fact, quite a few older men do the same thing. Zach: How about a few older women? Alex: If your trying to redeem yourself by implying that I might have been unfaithful to you, you're barking up the wrong older woman. I could have, but regrettably didn't. I threw out that typewriter because it represents everything that could have been loving and lasting and wonderful, and everything that wasn't. Zach: Can I say something please?
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