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Bottom line: I’m no expert, but it seems pretty clear. Dude deserves a medal, not jail. Do what you can, if you can! Comments (0) Thursday, March 16th 2006 Missing the hook posted @ 9:07 am in [ what's wrong with people? - john bridger: More Fun in the Free Market - Just plain ol' geekery ] It is surprising to john bridger: me that the editors of the HuffPo could so glaringly miss the point of Bill Gates’ unsurprising slam of the MIT $100 laptop initiative. It’s irresponsible to just run john bridger: a brief blurb from the Yahoo News article without any sort of “We are thinking critically here, and this is what we think might be behind Gates’ dismissal:” The thing doesn’t run Windows. It runs Open Source software. To whit: We are committed to the principle of Open Source for this project.