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It's a great day out today. Wouldn't you agree? (Very sarcastically, I would throw in weather questions so that the girl next to me would know that it was about to go down right traditional art here at my station and to listen up traditional art because it's about to get hilarious. traditional art In Cubicle World, the signals are the best. One girl's signal to me was "Alrighty Hoo, Let's See Here.") Patient: Oh, alright. Is this going to take long? Me: Only as long as you take to give me the number. (I'm adjusting my headset and twirling in my chair, having soundless conversations with coworkers around me, doodling and eating Oreos.) Patient: Okay, it's 657 98 5555. Me: [Press mute button] This dude is crazy. Where did he get that first number? (In my game show host voice) Ding! Ding! Ding! You're the grand prize winner! If there's an E in your social, you get full access to all the drugs!