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You don't remember. I know. It was the dance. You were up in the woods drinking... and you passed out... and I... You know... I did it. You're a liar. No. It's true. You videos ain't been inside of me. I'd have known it to my core... if you had been inside of me... you ugly... you ugly. Gross... If you tell anybody this... I'm gonna charge you with rape. I am gonna see that you spend the rest of your damn life... in a penitentiary for rape. Now get the hell out of here! I videos mean it! Get the videos hell out of here! Get out! Nurse! I think you better leave now. You're upsetting her. Get out! Get out! Get out of here! Get out! Yes. You're the father? Yes. Sir. Jessie's gonna be fine. But I'm sorry to have to tell you... that the baby didn't make it.
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