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I don't know. Where will you end up after the road trip? actresses After all that, I'll be working at AWR, (Art Work Rebels) in SF. Let's talk about the book. When's it coming out? Dude, let's not talk about when it's coming out. actresses (laughter)... Oh shit. Problems? It is such a headache. So then it's safe to say that it's coming out sometime this year? Dude, it better be out actresses in like a month! Well, what's it about? It's a masturbatory scrapbook of 1999-2000. Photo journal ... shite! uhhhh ... Want one yet? Sound like people would want to buy it? (Laughing) What's in it? Tattoo photos? Yeah. Photos of graffiti. Artwork. Photos of travels. Photos for artistic sake. Miscellaneous scraps, receipts and shit ...