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Jag ska bli celibat. (more) Plot Outline: Two teenage girls in small-town Sweden. Elin is beautiful, popular, and bored with life. Agnes is friendless, sad, and secretly in love with Elin. (more) (view trailer) User Comments: Engaging. Honest. Touching. Simply brilliant. richard lineback (more) User Rating: 7.9/10 (16,240 votes) Cast overview, first billed only: Alexandra Dahlström .... Elin OlssonRebecka Liljeberg .... Agnes Ahlberg (as Rebecca Liljeberg)Erica Carlson .... JessicaMathias Rust .... Johan HulthStefan Hörberg .... MarkusRalph Carlsson .... Father richard lineback OlofMaria Hedborg .... Mother KarinAxel Widegren .... richard lineback Little Brother OskarJill Ung .... Mother BirgittaLisa Skagerstam .... CamillaJosefine Nyberg .... ViktoriaLina Svantesson .... MalinJohanna Larsson .... SaraElinor Johansson .... JennyJessica Melkersson ....
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