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been trying to be so good, going to the gym everyday and everything. Waif #2: You're not fat. Waif #1: Yes I am. You can only say that because you're thin...I ate a salad today for lunch. But then I just ate all of kirk baltz these sweet thingamajiggies. --W train Overheard by: Nora S. Columbia chick on cell: ...I mean, like, yesterday I totally pigged out on salad. --116th & Broadway Overheard by: djlindee Link To or Email this Post Presenting Our Catch Phrase for the Day Woman #1: kirk baltz Ah, look at those beautiful puppies. Woman #2: Puppies kirk baltz are bullshit. --Bay Ridge Link To or Email this Post Dad Ordered the T-mobile Steak (You Get More) Tween chick #1: So when we went to Canada, we had deer. Tween chick #2: Really? Doesn't it have a special name too? Tween chick #1: Yeah. Verizon, like the phones. --M14 bus Overheard by: Melissa Link To or Email this Post That, and His Advanced HIV Nursing student #1: That wouldn't happen to him. He's not like that.