eileen nicholas, fullmetal jacket, grouphug.us, roll, letras, reservoirdogs, journal, whales, title, kuwait, contests, digitalart, herbie ade, syria, iran, crash(2 disc director's cut edition), albums,
efnet does. I've confirmed it via many opers. //edit: not to mention, the hostnames either do not resolve, or they resolve to ... -KitchenLast edited by kitchen on Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:41 pm kitchen Joined: 14 Apr 2004 Posts: 4 Location: chicago Re: mother fucking spybots quote: have you tried banning them? thats what i'd suggest doing and who are you making aesthetics the request to? aesthetics I'm not about to fill up my banlist banning bots that should aesthetics not be there to begin with. Also, by their nature, these bots change nicknames, hostnames, etc, to try to throw off any sort of anti-anti-spam measure that spambots might be using to detect them, therefore they will just come back.