Last year I purchased miramax home entertainment merlin

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Last year I purchased this DVD and just a few months merlin later, we merlin have ANOTHER version, now on two discs. Why? It's the money (stupid), and for some people never enough of it. merlin And then they have decency to bitch about torrent and stuff. They asked for it. Why couldn't have this movie be issued properly with all extras the first time around? Not to mention that extras on disc 2 don't even seem too enticing to spit out another $20 for the update. What a scam. And this DVD is not an exception. It's become a practice to steel from us this way. Shame on those who keep doing this (see a phenomenal doc. movie Enron to understand their mentality), and pitty on those who keep buying (into these shenanigans). As far as the movie itself, it's OK, not as bad as some reviews claim. It's a tacky subject, for many hard to swallow.
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