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"You have told me three times you are conducting a penetration," the voice would reply. "It has been ninety minutes, you have a minimal kevin allen description of the suspects, and you have no leads to follow. Return to base, repeat, return to base" "We are finishing our penetration kevin allen of the terrain and have two men in the field," Elmer kevin allen would say, undeterrable, "we will report as soon as we have terminated the penetration." And then - "MOTHERFUCKERS! We're going to GET those motherfuckers!! GODDAMN! There - in that tram - is that them?!" And so it came to pass that I found myself standing with three police officers on a very remote, very empty bridge on the far side of Warsaw. Elmer had left us on a tram and told us to rendezvous on the bridge, but something had obviously intervened and the van had now been gone a long time. A very, very long time.