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Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: What the blog fuck are these? Mark blog "Rent-boy" Renton: [narrating] In the normal run of things, I would have nothing to do with the cunt. But this was not the normal run of things. Mikey Forrester: Opium suppositories. Ideal for your purposes. Slow release. Bring you down gradual. Custom fucking designed for your needs. Mark "Rent-boy" blog Renton: I want a fucking hit! Mikey Forrester: That's all I've got, matey, take it or leave it. [Renton considers this and eventually takes the Opium suppositories and inserts them] Mikey Forrester: Aye, you feel better the now right? Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: Oh, yeah, for all the good they've done me, I might as well have stuck them up my arse! Francis (Franco) Begbie: It was fuckin' obvious that cunt was gonna fuck some cunt. Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: Heroin had robbed Renton of his sex drive, but now it returned with a vengeance. And as the impotence of those days faded into memory, grim desperation took hold of his sex-crazed mind.