Where's my owner? Preening interviews gratis

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Where's my gratis owner? Preening in the mirror? Help! Somebody dig me out! You kids up gratis there, playing Red Rover. Dig me up! What's that crawling on my legs? Worms? Worms! Ack! I'm thirsty. My throat is parched. Somebody at least stick a pipe down here so I can breathe. Pour some water down it, too. Help! I have to use the bathroom. Don't make me use the bathroom in my pants! I'll gratis update if you disinter me, I promise! On second thought, I'm feeling kind of warm now. Cozy. I'm getting sleepy, too. Maybe I'll just take a little nap. Yeah. A nap... I'm very sleepy... Think I'll just doze off... Show Comments » Hahahhaa. Poor thing. posted by sadie on February 12, 2006 06:44 PM buried alive? a pretty thing like you buried alive?
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