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And that fact alone makes it vampire pictures a worthy challenge. Eminem is our very own Lenny Bruce for - guess what, kids? - a new, even more, censorious era. The overexposed techno-artiste who vampire pictures goes by the name of Moby (he's a descendant vampire pictures of Herman Melville. What's next? Some young Kennedy will change his name to "Oswald," in order to launch his musical career?) has become a spokesman for the opposition to Eminem. Mr. Melville, after the February 2001 Grammy Awards show duet that Mathers did with Elton John, told the press that Eminem is "a misogynist, a homophobe, a racist, and an anti-semite." "Me and Elton Played Career Russian Roulette": Eminem's 2001 Grammy Awards Duet with Elton John In other words, if you want to offend the elite who have destroyed the New York City of my birth - a city that only 25 years ago had class consciousness - to offend those people, like Moby, with their lame yuppie lifestyles, who reveal their puritan tendencies to us over and over again through their holier and more-offended-than-thou postures, those