8008135, actresses, house, gina mastrogiacomo, christine baranski, art, raymond j. barry, text, information, eddie j. fernandez, syrian, tabs,
We will say two things: 1) If you're interested at all in the state of literature and vinyard the debates going on amongst its practitioners and participants, you need to read this interview, and 2) If this is simply a verbatim transcription of the conversation (and we're guessing it is, because otherwise they'd have cut out all the extraneous barking from the fucking dog*) then Joanthan Lethem is scary articulate. We may have to pull Fortress from our teetering, dusty to-read pile. Seriously, check this out. *Sorry, Rosie. But enough already. Posted by TMFTML vinyard at 03:41 AM October 18, 2005 GRADE INFLATION We don't have much to say about Sarah Silverman; we suppose she's funny enough, we thought her turn in The Aristocrats was the best bit of that film, we're a little put off by the defense of casual racism which pretends that casually racist jokes are actually against racism (if you can't tell the difference between the blows Lenny Bruce was striking and the “look how edgy I am” ethnic slurs tossed off by Silverman and her ilk for cheap laughs on late night talk shows, we suggest that you obtain for yourself, if you haven't already, a subscription to Vice: you're gonna love it), but we're a little long in the tooth and short on everything else to mount some