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DEREK: - while hopped up on Chivas alameida and P.C.P... you'd consider the force those cops used to be justified! DORIS: He didn't hit anybody! DEREK: If he did though! If that shithead killed Dan... you would have believed the beating to be justified and so would everybody else. But since he didn't hit anyone... it's "Hands Across America" for the son of a bitch. alameida We are still so hung up in this notion that we have an obligation to help the struggling black man and all you contribute to it! alameida Lincoln freed the slaves a hundred and thirty years ago! Get off your fucking asses! DEREK: Out of respect for my mother... I'm gonna let that comment go, Murray. I won't bash your face in. But let me tell you somethin'... man to fuckin' mouse here. Normally in a situation like this I'd take my steel-tips to your fucking Jewish temple. That goes for anyone making comments about me, my family, Stacey, whomever. You know and I know that I could crush that puny fuckin' skull of yours in a second.