lyrics, lamont, 1982 in sports, bruce boa, kink, hip hop, lions gate, freemp3s, edward furlong, 1981 in sports, gratis, richard bright, art chudabala, songs, crash(widescreen edition), fontana labs, poetry, wtmotherf, insomniac, jim turner, alice cooper,
9:55 am: Found dead in room by his mother... later receives a Darwin Award. Okay... so I indulged in a little wishful thinking. But hey, it could have happened. Name: Date: jon Email: Sun 22 Oct 2000 - 04:37:47pm man, i just stumbled across davina your site. I am amazed somebody would take time and effort to make this page. You could be doing something constructive davina instead of making a totally useless website. You're in idiot if you believe any of those icq messages so why make a davina site commenting on how stupid each one is? Sorry to rip on ya like this but I was just really surprised to see this site. later, -jon Editorial Comment: No problemo, jon, I'll explain it to you. This site isn't really about ICQ messages at all, it's a study on clueless guestbook posts.