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we can't, because they arent the same and never have been. The Muslim god, holiday Allah, is based off of a member of the local pantheon at the time their prophet. The Christian god is a bastardization of the Hebrew god which is the result of a Monotheistic push from a violence minority starting roughly around the time of the biblical exodus. Some theorise that is was the result holiday of the Egyptian holiday cult of Aton, started by Akhenaton, that drove a murderous sect of Judeism (see Mose's responce to the Hebrews' rejection of his 10 commandments) to become Monotheistic.So you see, there's good evidence that, although they all hold the same philosophy on rigorism, the various branches of monotheism are only related by their violent means of enforcing believe (whether used internally or externally)But your milage may vary. [ Parent ] Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Informative) by mrops (927562) on Tuesday February 21, @02:16PM (#14770033) Ok...