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Just julie garfield depends upon how much bang you can handle. I'll take the ones in the red box. - You know what those are? - Can I have them? Did you see any white people waitin' an hour and julie garfield minutes for a plate of spaghetti? And how many cups of coffee did we get? You don't drink coffee and I didn't want any. Man, that woman poured cup after cup to every single white person around us. But did she even ask you if you wanted any? We didn't get any coffee that you julie garfield didn't want and I didn't order, and that's evidence of racial discrimination? Did you notice that our waitress was black? And black women don't think in stereotypes? You tell me. When was the last time you met one who didn't think she knew everything about your lazy ass before you even opened your mouth, huh? That waitress sized us up in two seconds. We're black, and black people don't tip.