poetry, wtmotherf, insomniac, jim turner, alice cooper, blogstream, culture, edward saxon, mob, jerusalem, group hug, robert b. weide, stars, saudi arabian, punchthem, sudan, heavy metal, hbo home video, bisexual, sounds,
i have a lot of list items to fulfill and not much time to fulfill them in. and on and on. Friday, February jason statham 15, 2002 2/15/2002 12:35:23 AM (EST)-------------------- am i power incarnate? a few days ago i dropped my cellie into the toilet. i thought it meant get a new phone. but it survived. my one man show won't stop turning me on. or haunting me. or bugging me about my belief jason statham system and the jason statham eventual solidification of it. or something like that. a typical beau sia valentine's day. i can't believe that's my name. i can't believe my first name is actually beaufort. i woke up sick. still sick. but i had to go to some meetings. had to. that's a funny phrase. went to meetings. mulled about downtown going nuts with girl hunger. passed out on the train. woke up. my dad picked me up. ate. took out the contacts. put on the new glasses.