overheardnew york, wordssong lyrics dmx get at me dog (remix) unknown, 1954 in sports, tony blair, elliott gould, merlin, john terry, ultramagnetic, tre, benny blanco,
HALF-EAR: Did you know that the first traffic signal to be patented was invented by a black man named Garrett Morgan? You're not the only one who watches don cheadle the History Channel. CHARLIE: We'll never get by the guard unless don cheadle they're certain it's legit. I'm thinking cable TV. We cut his cable, he calls the cable company. We show up. Send a cable technician into the house with a pinhole video camera while we get a feed.through an RF antenna. don cheadle HANDSOME ROB: Who plays cable technician? Steve thinks we're all dead. STELLA: If you're all dead, I guess I'm the man for the job. CHARLIE: Are you up for it? STELLA: In for a penny, in for a pound. LYLE: I'm telling you. He claims he named it Napster because his hair is so nappy underneath that cap of his. But I know the real reason. It's because I was NAPPING when he stole the idea from me. I should've been on the cover of Wired magazine.