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Jack's Dancing Partner: Brett Chase doesn't walk and talk like you. italian mafia Jack Vincennes: Well, that's 'cause he's the television version. America isn't ready for the real me. Pierce Patchett: I use girls that look like movie stars. Sometimes I employ a plastic surgeon. When the work had been done, that's when you saw us. Bud White: That's why her mother couldn't I.D. her. Jesus fucking Christ. Pierce Patchett: No, Mr. White. Pierce Morehouse Patchett. Johnny Stompanato: You want italian mafia an autograph? Write to MGM. Ed Exley: Since when italian mafia do two-bit hoods and hookers give out autographs? Johnny Stompanato: What'd you say to me? Ed Exley: LAPD. Sit down. Lana Turner: Who in the hell do you think you are? Jack Vincennes: Ed... Ed Exley: Take a walk, honey, before I haul your ass downtown. Johnny Stompanato: You are making a large mistake. Lana Turner: Get away from our table. Ed Exley: Shut up! A hooker cut to look like Lana Turner is still a hooker. Johnny Stompanato: Hey!