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Cussing out the gears he half remembers some old praise of you as he works at holding the wheel in such a way it is no joy to see him sweat. S E C O N D G E O R G I C the care of beasts For keeping a unfogged happy flock, Shep, understand unfogged these things: caress them daily and be kind as you can, enter their dumb world without a word unfogged or thought even if it hurts to forget your nature. Shep, it's the only way to make it with them. T H I R D G E O R G I C a beast to beware of Coyote blinks in the sun and is gone. He leaves his picture, the sly grin, the sparkle in his eyes. Make no mistake about it he's hungry and if he thinks of anything when he sees you it's about your chickens. F O U R T H G E O R G I C another beast to beware of Nice night.